A Custom Plan Deserves a Range of Services

Our Services

Our services cover all areas of wealth management, from investment and retirement planning to risk mitigation strategies and issues surrounding estate planning. We specialize in helping our clients develop a comprehensive, cohesive financial strategy that fits their unique needs and enables them to pursue both short- and long-term goals.

Female Client Meeting with Advisor in Her Home

Wealth Planning

We understand that you have a unique set of circumstances that shape your financial goals and objectives. Our holistic approach to wealth planning leverages the knowledge and expertise of Stifel’s experienced professionals to address all aspects of your financial situation. The financial planning process provides you the opportunity to assess financial and non-financial assets, saving and investing practices, and the ability of these to meet your stated long-term financial goals.

Grandfather with Grandson on Bumper Car

Retirement Planning

Whether you are early in your career or actively contemplating retirement, a business owner or an individual, it’s never too late to put a plan of action into place. We can help you find the right plan and the right investments to help pursue your retirement goals.

Multi-Generational Family at Table with Advisor

Estate Planning

Estate planning encompasses more than the distribution of your estate to your heirs. It is a process designed to identify the best way to accumulate, preserve, and pass your wealth by implementing a plan to meet all of your objectives. A carefully prepared estate plan can help you address lifetime management issues and ensure you are financially prepared to meet with an estate planning attorney.

Senior Couple Playing Chess at Kitchen Table


Through Stifel’s insurance-licensed associates, we can assist you in the customized selection of fixed and variable annuities best suited for your individual needs. We can discuss in detail the types and benefits of annuities and how they may fit into your portfolio. Stifel has relationships with numerous quality insurance companies.

Family paper cut out surrounded by hands


We can provide you with a range of insurance services, including life insurance, long-term care insurance, and disability insurance. Stifel represents some of the most stable, trusted providers in the insurance industry, and we will work you to determine the types and amount of coverage that are most appropriate for you and your family.

Tax Forms on Table with Pen and Calculator

Tax Planning

Understanding the current income tax code is no easy task. Our tax planning professionals help you better understand federal and state income taxes and how they may impact particular investment strategies. Our goal is to help interpret the tax code as it relates to your investments and to provide you with proactive tax planning ideas to discuss with your tax advisor.

Blurred Social Security Cards on Table

Social Security

When it comes to Social Security, the right planning can pay off. We are equipped to help you take full advantage of your retirement benefits through a personalized Social Security Optimization Report. The report shows an optimal strategy for claiming Social Security benefits in order to maximize lifetime benefits. The optimal strategy can be compared to other strategies that may be under consideration, providing the information needed to make an informed decision.

Charts and Numbers on Screen

Exchange Traded Funds

Exchange traded funds and notes are financial instruments that provide the diversification of a basket of securities combined with the flexibility of trading throughout the day like stock. Whether you are looking to gain broad market exposure, focus on a specific area of the market, or construct a fully diversified portfolio, through ongoing, professional research of the full universe of exchange traded funds and notes, we can recommend specific products that best fit your customized needs.

Young Family Meeting with Advisor

Banking, Lending, and Trust Services

We take a collaborative approach to lending, cash management, and trust services to complete your full financial picture. Stifel Bank provides access to a variety of lending program to meet your ongoing liquidity needs. Stifel Trust can help pair you with appropriate third-party trustees for your trust accounts as well as assisting in selecting an appropriate advisory strategy for managing trust assets.